Join Kat Claussen of 1011 Yoga & Wellness for 5 days and 5 nights of bliss, laughter, peace, amazing food, new friends,
manifestation breakthroughs, and of course
Hot Yoga!

Alignment & Attraction


1:1 Services

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1:1 coaching, Human Design Analysis,
Akashic Records Readings,
Reiki, & more!

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Manifest By Design, and consciously manifest your life by design through mindfulness, meditation, intentionality, and self reflection.

Wellness Articles

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Meet Kat

As the face of 1011 Yoga & Wellness, Kat Claussen is an E-RYT 500 and Continuing Education Provider with Yoga Alliance, as well as a licensed Chinese Medicine provider in the state of Maryland.

Her passion is helping others find their own energetic alignment, whether that’s through Yoga, Chinese Medicine, Human Design, Akashic Records, or Reiki. 

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Contact Us

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Feel free to ask questions about offerings!